Thursday, March 28, 2013

Why I do What I do

Way back in June I wrote this post.

I want to share it as my slice today because it still reigns true for me.  This week, getting back in my classroom, I was again reminded of why I do what I do.  Yes, teaching can be exhausting and challenging and emotional, but it is good.

Be blessed today as you teach.  I know my corporation is headed into Spring Break after today.  If that's the case for you, let it refuel you to finish out the year.  If you are just coming off Spring Break, I pray that you are rejuvenated as you head back with your students next week.  Remind yourself why you do what you do.

WRITE your slice. SHARE your link. GIVE some comments to at least three other slicers.


  1. How true! THanks for the reminder.

  2. That's great advice -- and a reminder of the daily things that we do to make a difference with the kids in our classrooms.

  3. It is good to reflect now and then. It gives us the energy to go on.

  4. Your description of summer is spot on. Yes, it's nice, but like you, I spend part saying goodbye and worrying about the students who just left and the rest planning and anticipating for the new ones coming. The best part of teaching is touching a child's life and seeing them learn.


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