Sunday, January 17, 2010

trying to trust

What a week! I am drained. In every aspect of my being, I am exhausted. It has been a week that has truly pushed home what Jesus meant when he said, "for they are not of the world anymore than I am of the world." I have never felt more out of place, or far from home.

From an earthquake in Haiti, to trials with students, to the longing for salvation of loved ones, to bewilderment with the "church", to attack after attack after attack from satan.....I am standing firm on one thing.

Jesus has overcome the world!

I'm okay with not having the answers. I'm okay with not knowing what tomorrow may bring. I'm okay with things getting turned up-side-down at the snap of a finger. I'm okay with the warfare. I'm okay because I know that my God is a God of power, might, grace, and love.

And I know that my God has everything under control.

And I know that my God will not leave me or forsake me.

And I know that my God provides rest for the weary.

And I know that in the God is victorious.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Amen...what a powerful post! Keep the faith!