Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Daily Love

I can honestly say that I am finally grasping the 2 BIG lessons God has been teaching me over the past year and a half!

It all began when I read the book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge 2 years ago. I was in a deep pit and could not seem to find my way out. So I read. And this was the book I read. Over and over and over in this book I felt God telling me that He was ready for me to come to him. He was ready for me to need him. He was ready to love me like I've never been loved. I just didn't quite believe it...

Last March, our women's ministry team held a weekend retreat. We went through Beth Moore's curriculum Loving Well. The main focus of the week was love and the truth that nothing can separate us from the love of God. There were definite walls knocked down, but I still had my doubts.

This past Thanksgiving I went to Texas to visit a very close friend. She had me read Now and Not Yet by Jennifer Marshall. This book added a whole new twist to the love lessons God had been pouring over me. It was about understanding that singleness is just as much a part of God's plan as any other relationship status. And that God wants us to meet him and his love DAILY. The idea of living intentionally every day for God and experiencing His love on a daily basis seemed almost more than I could understand.

Over the past 2 months, these ideas of living each day for Christ and letting His love fuel me have really started to sink in. I cannot pinpoint an exact "ah-ha" moment. But I know that I am getting it. I am beginning to grasp the love that God has for me. I am beginning to see the fruit of living intentionally for God every day that He gives me breath.

And it is sooooo good.

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