Thank you Dr. Karen Doudt (RIP) for teaching me this. It may be the best advice anyone gave me as I headed down the path of being an educator.
This past week has encompassed one of my highest and lowest moments as a teacher.
Wednesday night I received a phone call from a former student's parent. She informed me that a student I had last year may have been involved in a murder. I cannot even begin to explain the pit that developed in my stomach. As the week progressed more details flooded the news and it all became very real. I am still trying to comprehend, but I don't think I ever will. My heart breaks for my former student...not because of what is to come for him, but because he made this choice.
Sunday, I was blessed to witness a current student be baptized! He told me he was getting baptized and asked me to come. I cannot even begin to explain the joy that overwhelmed me. I found someone to teach my Sunday School class and went. He was one of 8, YES EIGHT, people to get baptized (4 of those people are students where I teach). And again, I can't comprehend why I got to be a part of this.
Back to my professor....she was amazing. And she loved kids, she had a passion for teaching. It rubbed off. I have really struggled with the "why" question this week. Why didn't I show more love to a former student? Why did God place a student in my class that would give his life to Christ? Why has God placed a passion for children in my heart? Why does God give kids to people that don't show them the love they deserve? All I can come up with is what my prof said to us.
Love them while you have them.
Isn't this exactly what Jesus calls us to do? Love others. Love them so they know the love of Christ. Love them in a way that feels so good it may actually hurt. Love with all that you have.
Jesus, thank you for the passion to love kids. Thank you that I get to spend so many days/hours/weeks working with kids. May I never forget that they need loved. Help me to love them as you would, despite everything else. Lord, let them never question the love that I have for them. AMEN
Dina- Thank you for sharing that post. Very important message that I need to hear, again and again. Praying for you and for the families of those children and the other family involved.
Amen! What an amazing message to everyone!
Dina, what an up and down week for you! Praising the joy of seeing on of your kids baptized and praying God's peace on the families of the other tragedy. Love you!
oh dina, this is beautiful and so is the absolute way you love children and so many others. thank you for sharing this with us. oh the choices we make. thank you for choosing to love. love you...m.e.
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