Sunday, April 18, 2010

Straight Paths are Uncomfortable

This morning's message at church was about trusting God. The scripture was Proverbs 3:1-10. As I listened to the words a familiar passage jumped out at me and really resonated in me...

"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

I began to think about those straight paths, those times when I truly know I am following God. Let me be honest...those straight paths are uncomfortable to me. My comfort comes when I feel in control, when my paths aren't always straight. That is where I feel comfortable.

I really started to dig deep in my heart to figure out why God's path is uncomfortable. It is because He is not me (thank goodness). Isaiah 55:8 explains this perfectly; "'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways', declares the Lord."

God's path is not my path. HIS path is so much better for me. I have to continue to walk on his path so it becomes ever-more familiar to my feet, less uncomfortable for me. This requires work. It requires learning. It requires reading. It requires prayer. It requires some discomfort. But I know that I will get to a point when my path is uncomfortable. I know I will get to a point where God's path feels right 100% of the time. I know that this will happen more and more as I walk with him. I know this because on God's path, I am not alone. He leads the way so there are no surprises....


Rose will be Rose said...

This post was very moving. I have that scripture about trusting in God taped up on my wall at work and I am constantly reading it and meditating on it. Its true the narrow path that leads to God is hard to walk, but if we continue to press on in Faith, we will reach His glory.

May said...

Very inspiring post. At times is become diffucult to remain on God's path of life...